Wednesday, October 13, 2010

'just like driving on an open highway, never know what we're gonna find.'

Well, I haven't blogged in a while. I haven't really been busy. But I haven't been on the computer very much at all. I didn't have school on Tuesday, so it was nice to have a little mini break. I've been spending a lot of time with my Grandma. My uncles are also in town right now, and I hardly ever see them, so I'm spending a lot of time with them as well. My Grandma seems to be doing better. She's doing a lot on her own, and even though its hard, and sometimes scary, we need to just let her do her own thing. It is what she wants.

I went to the doctor today. I guess he's a dentist. We went for a consultation about getting my wisdom teeth taken out. I'm seriously not excited for it at all. But I really liked the doctor. He asked about my anxiety. And he seemed to understand what I've been through, and some of my anxiety with hospitals, needles, dentists, anesthesia, ect.

What else? School is school. I'm really enjoying my American Sign Language class. And I talked with the other girls in my study group, and most of us are going to take the 102 course together. It'll be nice to already know people and have a study group set up when the class starts. I'm not enjoying my Early Childhood Education class as much. I liked it a lot until we had to play a game about what we've learned. I was sick and missed 2 classes, and I didn't like being put on the spot at all. It reminded me of middle school. It made me so anxious and nervous.

I don't think I've really talked about my work at all in any of my blogs. I work at my church in child care. I work with the young 2 year olds. I really love it. The kids are so much fun, and I love watching them grow and learn new things! Today was pajama day, and the kids thought it was so fun to wear their pj's and play slumber party games!

Well, I think that's just about all for now.

Daily Doxie, Enjoy!

I just love this picture! We have all of the puppy treats up high, in the laundry room sink. Rugby is kind of obnoxious with his treats. This picture is so him. He will just sit in the laundry room and wait for a treat. What a cutie! <3

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