Sunday, July 18, 2010

'life is fragile, handle with prayer.'

Well, I gave in. I finally decided to start blogging. I'm not really sure what to say or what you want to hear. I'm hoping that blogging will be good for me and that it will give me a chance to just say what I need to say. I don't really care if anyone reads this. In fact, I'm hoping that no one will. I'm not sure how long I will actually stick with this... We'll see.

It's hard to believe that it is already almost the end of July. This summer has flown by. I don't want to start college. I really, really don't. It's going to be so much different than high school. I've been doing online school at home for the past 3 years, and now I'm going to be attending a junior college. I know that it doesn't sound like much, but it is. At least for me it is. I wont be attending full time either, I'm starting with part time. Who knows if it is the right thing to do.. But it's better than diving into the college world, and failing.. right?

I could talk about college for hours, but we'll talk about that later..

Oh! & I decided that I'm going to post a picture of one of my puppies every time I post a blog. It might be and old picture, or it might be new. My family has three wiener dogs. My sister has two. My brother is also living with us and he has one big dog. My older brother is also watching a dog right now. If you lost count, that is SEVEN dogs. Ridiculous, I know. But they are the cutest dogs, ever. You'll love them, everyone does. <3

So, here you go!

this is carly and cooper right after we got them. pretty cute, huh?

that's all for now.


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